So it’s been a long time since I last posted. Much has changed and happened in the past 21 months. Gee has it been that long. My last post referenced Fedora 20 and now 23 is nearly 7 months old, with 24 about a month away.
Quick summary would be;
- moved house
- some personal stuff
- changed jobs (big miner to big miner)
- some family stuff
- changed clouds (rackspace to google)
- changed drives (2TB -> 6TB)
- upgraded ESX (5.5 to 6)
- upgraded all my boxes too
- Ansible everything project
- LOTS of tv
- fair bit of gym
- fair bit of riding
- Adelaide trip
That’ll do for now. I should probably make a whole series of posts about ansible and what I’ve done with it, but first I think I’ve got another vmware related post cooking away nearly ready to serve.